If you live with a cat, you should be familiar with the best diet and necessary nutrients for your pet’s organism. Of course, monitoring your cat’s diet also means avoiding the products that they cannot digest properly.

When a cat eats unsuitable food, it can suffer from indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea or even develop some diseases. That is why it is essential to know about the forbidden foods for cats; learn what you can give it, and what you can’t.

This article will indicate what are the foods that cats should never eat so that you can keep them away from your pet. Take note!

What your cat CANNOT eat

  • Salty foods

Salt is not good for cats because, if eaten in excess, it may end up accumulating in the kidney and causing problems when draining and eliminating toxins. In addition, excess salt can also cause hypertension. Therefore, foods that contain a lot of salt – such as sausages – are not recommended. Turkey or ham that is low in salt can be given to your pet on occasion.

  • Milk and dairy products

After cats spend a period of time breastfeeding, they should not drink any more milk because they become lactose intolerant. If you give them milk, they may show digestive disorders such as vomiting, diarrhea, and others.

  • Lemon and vinegar

The acid in lemon and vinegar can harm your cat and cause pains in its stomach as well as vomiting and discomfort.

  • Onion, leek and garlic

These foods are very toxic to cats – and for dogs too. This is because they contain a substance that destroys red blood cells and causes anemia in the blood. Therefore, you should never give these ingredients or any remains of food that includes them.

  • Chocolate

Chocolate is another forbidden food for cats and dogs because it contains theobromine, a substance that is toxic to these animals. Chocolate can make your cat’s heart rate increase, causing vomiting, diarrhea and failures in the body. It can even cause your animal to die.

  • Avocado

This fruit is rich in fat, so you should not give it to your cat because it can cause stomach problems and even pancreatitis. Generally, you should not give cats fatty foods because they do not digest them well and they cause many intestinal problems. This applies to sweets, pastries, fried foods, sauces, etc.

  • Nuts

These are also fatty ingredients but cannot be absorbed by the animal’s stomach very well. This can cause kidney failure, diarrhoea and digestive problems.

  • Raw Fish

Tartars, sushi or any recipe involving raw fish should never be given to cats because it contains an enzyme that causes them to have a deficiency of vitamin B. A lack of this vitamin can cause serious problems such as seizures and even comas. They can also contain bacteria and cause food poisoning.

  • Sweets

We have already said that foods containing fat should not be given to cats, and sweets are one of them. It is not advisable to give this food to your cat because it can lead to the animal suffering from liver failure.

  • Grapes and raisins

These are very harmful to cats because they can even cause damage to the kidney, including kidney failure. The animal does not need to eat very much of them for it to have a negative effect.

Other things to take into account for a cat’s diet

In addition to the forbidden foods for cats listed above, you should consider other aspects in relation to food you give your pet so that it does not come to any harm.

  • Never give your cat fish containing bones because it could choke on them or even harm the organs, perforating the bowel or blocking the intestinal tract. So, be very careful about what you give your cat!
  • Plants such as lilies, poinsettias (Christmas plants), ivy and oleander (Nerium) are plants that are toxic to cats. Avoid having them at home because the cat will be attracted to them and eat them.
  • Do not feed your cat dog food because the nutritional needs of the two animals are very different. Cats need an amino acid called taurine, and if they do not have the right amount it can cause serious heart diseases.
  • Tuna eaten by humans is not good for cats. It is not a toxic food, but it lacks taurine. Do not feed your cat canned tuna because it will not provide the essential nutrients it needs to stay strong and healthy. Always be careful when giving human food to cats.
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Source: animalwised.com